Andrea Friggi
"c'est la formation instrumentale dirigée par Andrea Friggi qui donne à admirer une lecture inventive et affûtée, un son généreux"
Sophie Roughol, Diapason 2013
Andrea Friggi was born in 1979 in Milan where he earned his first doctorate in 2003 in philology (Greek paleography) from the Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore under the guide of Carlo Maria Mazzucchi. He also earned a PhD in Byzantine philology from the University of Turin in 2007 under the guide of Enrico V. Maltese. He is active as a scholar and has published a number of articles.
He has studied organ, harpsichord, and continuo. Among his teachers are Edoardo Bellotti and Stefano Demicheli. He also attended masterclasses with René Clemencic and Luigi F. Tagliavini. In 2007 he moved to The Netherlands to study with Menno van Delft at the Conservatorium van Amsterdam where he graduated in 2011. Following his BA graduation he continued his studies in Amsterdam with Bob van Asperen and Richard Egarr and obtained a Master degree in Basso Continuo specialization in 2013 with Thérèse de Goede.
He has performed as a soloist, conductor, and continuo player at some of Europe's major venues with several ensembles, among which Dolce & Tempesta, Stile Galante, the Sweelinck Baroque Orchestra, I Piccoli Olandesi. He has recorded for Bongiovanni, Fuga Libera, Pan Classics, and Glossa. In 2010 he founded his own group, Ensemble Odyssee, together with recorder player Anna Stegmann with whom he regularly performs. With his ensemble he was awarded third prize in the Van Wassenar competition in 2011. In the same year he was awarded the prestigious Huygens scholarship from the Dutch government.
He has been teaching musical philology at the Conservatorium van Amsterdam since October 2010. From 2000 to 2005 he was organist at the church of S. Giuseppe e S. Marcellina and from 2003 to 2007 at the church of S. Angela Merici in Milan.

Concertgebouw Amsterdam, Muziekgebouw aan’t IJ, Konzerthaus in Berlin, the Erbdrostenhof in Münster, Utrecht Early Music Festival, Musica Antiqua Brugge Fringe, Summerwinds Festival Münster, Kunsthalle Lingen, Chapelle des Minimes Bruxelles, Grachtenfestival Amsterdam, van Wassenaer Festival Amsterdam, Reinkenfestival Deventer, Berliner Tage für Alte Musik
Editions & Articles
> A. Friggi, Tradition and Innovation: Giovanni Paolo Cima and His Concerti Ecclesiastici, CD Booklet to Pan Classics PC 10316, 2015
> A. Friggi, Musica e istruzione nella Napoli di inizio Settecento: Nicola Fiorenza e la sua produzione strumentale, as programme note for Festival Spontini Pergolesi Festival summer 2008 “opera prima” and later, in a shorter form in the cd booklet to Fuga Libera FUG549
> A. Friggi, Organi e organisti a Merate: la chiesa di S. Ambrogio nei secoli, in Calligrafia di un restauro. L’organo di S. Ambrogio in Merate da Serassi a Corno, Merate 2006, pp. 21–62
> J.C. Dall’Abaco, Capricci per violoncello solo, White Prince, Lugano 2005
> A. Friggi, Libri greci alla corte di Ludovico il Moro: Giorgio Merula e la sua biblioteca, “Archivio Storico Lombardo,” CXXX (2004), pp. 109–136